Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Start of Something New

Earlier today, MateoMarco and I went to view a possible space for our new business venture (I will keep the concept of the business a secret for now...will definitely post updates once we have more details). But God-willing, we hope to have it up and running within this year. There are a lot of work we need to put into it first, and looking for a space is step one. I guess once we have that on lock down, we'll be able to get the ball rolling for all the other things we need.

Mommy's little helpers :)

Simple moments like this makes me so grateful that the boys are still so game to go with me everywhere, despite it being a boring errand. I appreciate the fact that they are so eager to just be with their Mommy wherever I may go. I know one day when they are bigger, they will have their own plans and places to go to without me. But!!! I don't want to fast forward on those days just yet, or I'll just end up crying. Hahaha. Despite their hyper-activeness and sometimes naughtiness, I enjoy every minute of being with them.

Anyway, back to our hunt for a place for our business...the one we went to today seems promising, but we need to keep our options open for other better ones that may come up, and be even more accessible and attractive to our future clients. So I'm looking forward to more dates like these with my boys in the coming days :)

"Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you." John 17:7