Growing up in a Christian family, we would attend worship service every Sunday. The youth and kids would have Sunday School after praise and worship, while the adults would listen to the Word. Apart from Sunday service, we would also have Bible studies, which would rotate in the houses of the different members of our church. As the years passed, we weren't just a group of people who attended the same church, we formed a genuine, familial love for each other. Looking back now, all the fellowship we had with our church family in the past years, were the most fun and precious times I had in my childhood.
Though it was not always a walk in the park, and having the teachings and fellowships weren't assurance that we would live perfect lives. We all went through our own trials at different times. But because we belong to the family of Jesus, we went through it together.
Like when I got pregnant the first was already very difficult for me to confess it to my family, and it was equally hard to speak about it to my church family. And for it to happen again a few years later, it made it all the more difficult. I didn't want them to feel that they lacked in guiding me because it really wasn't the case. Thankfully, by God's grace, I was able to get through such dark and difficult days. My family and church still welcomed me (together with my sons) with open arms and lots of love. And after all that I went through, The Lord made me realize that a personal relationship with Him is the most important relationship I should have.
And that is what I am trying to impart to my sons today. As early as now, they can seek to experience God in their lives; and that their relationship with Jesus is the one they should never take for granted.
Despite how the world's eyes my see us, we are blessed with sufficient love from our family, church and closest friends. Yes, the world may say we are an unconventional family, and society may look down on us. In spite of all these, I believe we are a family God set apart for a purpose. He allowed for us to be such a family because He will use us as His instruments to show the world of how great His Love is for everyone. And right now, He is already using us to teach others that regardless of everything we may go through in this life, if we choose Him (and continue to choose him daily), He will shed His Light on us and take us back on the right track...and be able to fulfill the destiny He has for us.
"But you are a chosen people; a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:9
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